HCG Digital Pregnancy Test

Fertility TestsTesting Kits

HCG Digital Pregnancy Test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine at 25 mIU/mL or above. HCG Digital Pregnancy Test is intended for use as an aid in early detection of pregnancy.


Intended use

HCG Weekly Pregnancy Test is a rapid visual immunoassay for the semi-quantitative detection of human chorionic gonadotropin in human urine specimens. HCG Weekly Pregnancy Test is intended for using as an aid to estimate pregnant weeks.


Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a glycoprotein hormone secreted by viable placental tissue during pregnancy, is excreted in urine approximately 20 days after the last menstrual period. hCG levels rise rapidly, reaching peak levels after 60-80 days. The appearance of hCG in urine soon after conception and its rapid rise in concentration makes it an ideal marker for the early detection and confirmation of pregnancy. The HCG concentration increases with the increase of gestational weeks. So the HCG concentration can helps to determine the gestational weeks.


Bring tests, specimens, and/or controls to room temperature (15-30°C) before use.

  1.  Remove the test from its sealed pouch, and place it on a clean, level surface. Label the device with patient or control identification. For best results the assay should be performed within one hour.
  2. Add 3 drops of specimen (approximately 120 µL) directly into the specimen well (S) and start the timer. Avoid trapping air bubbles in the specimen well (S), and do not add any solution to the result area. As the test begins to work, color will migrate across the result area in the device.
  3. Wait for the colored band(s) to appear. The result should be read at 5 minutes. Do not interpret the result after 10 minutes.

NOTE: Low hCG concentrations may produce very weak T lines after a prolonged period of time. Therefore, do not interpret the result after 10 minutes.


Q: How does the test work?

A: The HCG Digital Pregnancy Test detects the hormone your body produces during

pregnancy, hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin.


Q: How accurate is the test?

A: In laboratory studies of the Digital Pregnancy Test Midstream with urine samples from pregnant and non-pregnant women, the accuracy was greater than 99% accurate.


Q: What do I do if the result on the Display Screen is “YES+” ?

A: A”YES+” test result shows that the pregnancy hormone (hCG) was detected, which normally indicates pregnancy. You must see your doctor to confirm that you are pregnant.


Q:What do I do if the result on the Display Screen is NO-“?

A: You may not be pregnant or it may be too early to tell. If you do not get your period within 7 days, you should retest with another Digital Pregnancy Test Midstream. It is possible that you miscalculated the length of your cycle or your urine may not have had enough pregnancy hormone for the test to register a “YES+”result. If upon retesting you get another “NO-” result and your period has still not started, you should call your doctor.

Q: The blinking clock image002 has disappeared followed by a “image008” on the Display Screen. What does this mean?

A: A “image008” symbol indicates an error has occurred during testing.You should retest with another Digital Pregnancy Test, carefully following all directions.


Q: How long will my result show on the Display Screen?

A: Your result will be displayed for at least 30 minutes. Read your results within this time frame. Once you have read your result, discard the stick.

Note: This device contains a battery with a removal feature on the reverse side of the Thumb Grip. Be sure to dispose of the battery according to local regulations.


Q: The Display Screen is blank. What is wrong?

A: If the Display Screen is blank before using the test or after using the test but before yielding a result, an error has occurred during testing. You should retest with another Digital Pregnancy Test, carefully following all directions.


Q: What will happen if the plastic holder gets wet?

A: Some splashing while using the test will not damage the test, but if it becomes very wet it can become damaged. If the test becomes damaged, the Display Screen will either go blank or an error “image008“message will appear.

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